Deep learning: proliferative index of a cancer cell with microscopy

M Hallett


Goal today

  • Show a few examples of deep learning in different domains

  • Explore a little bit about how it works

  • Show an example of supervised learning using microscopy and breast cancer cell lines


Convolution neural networks (CNNs)

  • There is considerable high quality material out there covering the majority of subjects related to deep learning.

  • I highly recmomend fastai, an excellent accessible course from UCSF that does not require sophisticated mathematis nor computing power.

    • Lecture 1, 23mins Jupyter (R Notebook), Python (R), PyTorch (Keras)

    • Lecture 2, 22-28mins, Transfer learning

    • Lecture 2, 1hr18mins, Data wrangling for deep image analysis

    • Lecture 2 1hr20mins and start of Lecture 3, Supervised learning

    • Lecture 5, Ethics of deep learning

  • There are also many mini-lectures on different topics that are quite accessible.

  • Here is one on Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) which is the topic for today.

Transfer learning

Image to Image Translation.

Fun examples

Some examples in biology

Several movies/documentaries of interest

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© M Hallett, 2020 Concordia University

Computational Biology Concordia